
About lifeinsuranceadvice

This author lifeinsuranceadvice has created 13 entries.

Term Life or Whole Life Insurance?

Two Categories of Life Insurance

Most people make the distinction between two major types of life insurance as Term and Whole Life, but the more accurate terms are: Term and Permanent life insurance. Those are the two broad categories of life insurance; whole life is just one type of permanent life insurance.  Sometimes “whole life” and “permanent life” are used interchangeably.  With the advent of several unique product designs in the past 10 or 15 years,

The Right Way to Get Quotes and Apply for Life Insurance

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I received an email from a client last year asking me to contact his investment advisor. My client’s investment advisor had referred him to another life insurance agent, but the rates he received were not the same as the rates I quoted him. Below is an excerpt from the email (I was copied on the email).

“Tim,  Greg Sanders is the agent I have been using and his rates seem a little better than Tony’s….Greg has been very responsive and professional in my dealings with him…..always good to have options … 

Should I Buy Life Insurance Online? Yes…and No.

Generally speaking, people are comfortable shopping online for most items.  The Internet is a great tool for gathering information and advice prior to making a purchase — and this especially holds true for life insurance.  There are numerous sites online that provide instant quotes and solid, basic information about life insurance.  Some sites are more “salesy” than others, but it doesn’t take long to sift out those sites and focus on the ones that are professional and helpful.

The popular mega-sites have call centers that make it very easy to ask questions and apply for coverage.